How to go from Irritable to At Peace in Just a Minute


This morning there was a sense of “unrest” in our home.  I wasn’t exactly sure why we were having tension and upset, but BOY was it present.


Things were not going smoothly.  My son was upset over, well, everything!  My husband and I weren’t fighting or anything, but there was something just “hanging” in the air.



Then it dawned on me, I was out of sync.  I had had a nasty headache for a couple of days.  We had been very busy with parties, family get-togethers, not enough sleep and a non-stop flow of company.  I had not taken time to get grounded and my lack of “being in the flow” was affecting everyone around me!


I took a minute and did some exercises to get grounded and back in sync with my flow and everything changed.


So why is that?  Why do we need to be grounded and what does that even mean?


Well, first of all “to be grounded” is to be in the present, in the now.  When we are grounded, our bodies and spirits are united.  Our whole being is working for the same cause.  Our ego isn’t trying to take over.  We are in sync with our true selves, our true mission, our true “being”.


When that happens we are filled with light.  Even though on a conscious level we may not see it, we know on a spiritual level where we have been and where we are going.  We are not dwelling on the past.  We are not worried about the future.  We are grounded to Mother Earth and to Heaven at the same time.


You could compare grounding to a giant tree.  The roots go deep into the earth and the leaves and branches reach upward to the heavens.


When we are in this state, we are somewhat unshakable (like the mighty Oak Tree).  When we get bumped at the supermarket, we smile and show love and compassion to the person who crossed our path.  When we are not grounded, that bump at the supermarket could send us into a fit of rage or a pool of self pity.



Now that you get the idea of why you want to be grounded, how do you get there?


Oh, there are so many fun ways!


Here are a few:

  • Energy exercises like Heaven & Earth or the Hook-Up
  • Get your feet in nature. Walk outside barefoot in the grass, dirt or sand and let Mother Earth ground you.  (Can’t get outside, get some Kinetic Sand and play in it!)
  • Meditate
  • Visualize your feet being rooted into the ground and swirling deep down to the core of the earth and your head reaching way up to the heavens so that you are tethered above and below. It is as if you are drawing light from below and above and when the two pillars of light meet you are filled with peace and knowing.
  • Diffuse and/or smell essential oils like Grounding Blend, Patchouli, or Vetiver


So the next time you are feeling a little “out of sorts”… perhaps you are not grounded!  Give one of these activities a try (it only takes a minute) and see how quickly your whole “being” will change.


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