It is common practice to ask a person how they are when you greet them. “Hey John, how are you” or something of the similar often rolls off the tongue first thing.

What is a typical response? Do you ever hear “Hey man, I’m doing great! I’m am just so happy and full of hope”?

Or is it more likely to hear something like “Oh, I’m ok” to which you respond “ya, me too” or maybe you inquire as to why they seem a little glum?

As I peruse the news, social media or even TV programming it is filled with naysayers and put downs and complaining. The negativity is so thick it could be cut with a knife! It can be quite draining and really bring a person down if subjected to it for very long.

I recently spent some time around a person who always seemed to have a “reason” that things were not working out for them. They had an attitude of lack and struggle. It started to affect my attitude too. NOT how I like to be.

In fact, I noticed my physical health started to decline as well. As you know, our thoughts and emotions have a direct effect on our bodies – good or bad.

So I started contemplating on what I could do to keep my attitude in the upper realms ~ where I feel happy and I want to be ~ even in the presence of negativity.

Napoleon Hill, the author of “Think and Grow Rich”, teaches that there are 12 things that constitute real

riches. The first thing is a POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE. The last thing is Financial Security. Isn’t that interesting. You have to start with your mind, your thoughts to have real riches – not with financial security! I believe you could substitute “abundance” for “real riches” and this might even have more meaning for you and me.

It is abundance that brings peace and joy to our hearts – to our lives. So it is abundance we are all seeking – whether we know it or not. We are all seeking an abundance of love, acceptance, friendship, family, health, and yes, money, just to name a few. So how is that going? Are you enjoying abundance in your life? If not, you now know where to start – with your attitude.

If you are experiencing a less than positive mental attitude, you are likely NOT enjoying abundance. You are probably even experiencing some health problems of one kind or another. It is amazing how contagious negativity can be and it can cause a person to spiral down down down into the depths of deep depression and despair and take everyone around them with them.

It can be challenging at first to break free from the chains of negativity. It may even be difficult to recognize a negative mental attitude at first if it has been your companion for some time. But, with practice and commitment, it can be done.

Start by listening to yourself. After you speak a sentence stop and repeat it in your mind. How does it sound? Is it full of excuses? Are you using words that are uplifting or depressing? If someone else said that to you, would it make you feel happy or bring you down?

After evaluation, if you find your words to have a sense of negativity, turn them around. Here is an example: “I’m so tired of being out of shape and I was going to exercise this morning, but my dog kept me up all night so I was just too tired.” That makes me feel tired and discouraged just reading it!

So what could this person have said instead? Perhaps something like this: “I have such an amazing body and I’m super excited about treating it well and getting in better shape. I’m going to go to the gym after work today and give my body a little workout to show it I love it.” That may sound a little cheesy at first, but trust me, turning that negative feeling around in your thoughts, in your conscious mind, will have a huge impact on your subconscious mind. Being a little “extra positive” will have an exponential affect on your ability to change.

Give it a try. Watch the words that are coming out of your mouth. Quickly turn them around, rephrase them for the positive every chance you get. As you do this, you will find you are retraining your brain. You will find your words to be more and more positive. This will begin an amazing transformation on your attitude. You will start thinking differently. You will find doors opening up to you in ways you could never have imagined before.

Take the counsel of Napoleon Hill and cultivate a POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE. Create an abundant life ~ one word at a time.


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