Why Is This So Hard?

It’s seems like every time I turn around lately, I am asking myself: “Why is this so hard?”.

Have you ever had a time in your life where it just felt like you hit a brick wall everywhere you turned?  Well that is where I have been for a while.

I think everyone gets there from time to time.  And the question you face is, WHY?

It usually happens just when you embark on something new and exciting in your life; something that you may even see as life changing.  Maybe you are setting out to improve your health or start a new career path or get organized.  You know, anything to better yourself – Big or Small, the brick wall doesn’t seem to care.

Sometimes the struggle begins before you even start!  When you are still planning and thinking about what you are going to do and POOF! everything under the sun goes wrong.

So WHY does this happen?  And what are you to do about it?

Well, let me share with you what I have learned over the years.

Stop asking “Why is this so hard?” or “Why is this happening to me?” and start asking “What am I to learn from this?” and “What do I need to do differently?”.

Now let me explain.

The Law of Attraction is real.  What you think about you bring about.  What you give power to in your mind is what you give life to.  So now you are saying, “I wasn’t thinking about all these things that are going wrong!  I was thinking about all the cool new things I was going to do and accomplish!”  That may be true.

But, what happens when you make changes in your life?  You change.

You do things differently, you think differently, you act differently.  And that requires you to grow.  And growth comes from learning new things and doing things in a new way.

So when you decide you are going to move forward and make positive changes in your life, you attract the experiences you need in order to move into your new energy, the new and improved you!

Yup!  You attracted these tiresome experiences for your learning and growth.  Congratulations!

So to get through these struggles and reign triumphant… you must change your thinking from “Why” to “What”.  Start asking yourself continually, “What am I to learn from this?”.  Then listen for the answer.

I’m not going to say this is easy, but, I know it is the fastest way to get past the brick wall.  The answer will come.  In fact, I believe you already know it, you just need to re-remember it.

I had an experience where I was going through a lot of growth and it was hard.  But I had changed my thinking and I was changing in good ways.  I thought I was doing so much better and learning what I needed to learn.

But I had someone close to me that was hindering everything and I would tend to cower in their presence.  I would withdraw to avoid massive argument and pain.  I found it better to be silent than say anything. 

I was miserable when around them and no amount of setting good intentions or changing my way of thinking or understanding was making any difference.  Then I learned to ask “What do I need to DO differently?”.

I learned that I need to act and react differently toward them in specific situations.  As I began to do this, things changed.  I felt empowered!  I was no longer afraid around them.  I grew.  I changed.  Our relationship changed.  All for the better.

I love this quote:

“Every single challenge you face in life was designed specifically for you.
You were also given every single tool you need to overcome it.”

How true this is!

So go inside, talk to your Higher Power, re-discover what you have within you and become who you really are.

Get Yourself


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