Why do I need Creativity in my life?

Everyone, and that includes you, is inheritably born with the potential for massive creativity.

Yet so many of us say… “I’m not creative”.

Creative diversity has so many potential benefits, yet without it where would we likely be?

  • The human race would not be where it is today
  • There would be no miraculous inventions like electricity in every home, cell phones, the internet
  • Our world would be void of magnificent buildings and structures
  • We would lack the capacity to live interesting and meaningful lives
  • Problem solving would elude us
  • Our minds would be closed and we would not have clarity to properly judge any given situation
  • Life would be mundane and NOT fun

What do you think of a world like that? Doesn’t sound very appealing, does it?

The truth is, we are ALL creative – in our own way. Some of us exercise this muscle more than others and appear incredibly creative. While others sit back and watch at a distance and remind themselves of how much they lack creativity.

Anytime you find a new way to work or an easier way to do your chores or tasks, you are exercising your creative muscle. You don’t have to be an artist or a sculptor to be creative or create. A mechanic, farmer, accountant, or store clerk can exercise creativity on a daily basis!

“True creativity, as it reflects our capacity to see or produce something in a new way, represents a restructuring that carries our individual imprint and uniqueness.” ~ Neal A. Maxwell

Isn’t that a great thought! As we exercise our creative muscles, we are magnifying who we are… Who we REALLY are! Our TRUE, UNIQUE, and might I add, AMAZING selves. In whatever capacity we may find ourselves, simple homebody or professional entertainer – it does not matter! We all have magnificent creative power that we can express and magnify!

Let’s look at this scientifically. When we study physics, we learn that the first law of thermodynamics is that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but is changed from one form to another.

What does that mean to you? It means that when you express your creative energy, you are giving the energy that is within you an outlet! Your energy is changed to a new form, it is redirected into a more positive energy!


In a nutshell, creating is essential to growth and happiness. It is a positive energetic outlet. It is paramount to finding and experiencing joy. We have each been endowed with the gift of infinite creativity. It is within us. Perhaps it is somewhat dormant, but we can choose to embrace it and let it flourish within and without.

Let today be the day you embrace your inherent gift and begin to exercise your creative muscle.


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  1. March 12, 2018 at 10:42 PM

    Thanks for the reminders, Carolyn. I am looking at my daily tasks with new eyes and working on exercising creativity.

    1. Carolyn Tyger
      March 13, 2018 at 9:00 AM

      Thanks Debra!

  2. March 15, 2018 at 11:22 AM

    Your very talented at writing ✍️ things. I am not as good at that but will work on that with my blog.
    I love this! It inspires me to know I can get better at not only my photography but other things I never really thought of as being creative! I am going to work More to excersize my creative muscle. Sometimes when I am taking pictures I have a hard time coming up with poses after doing so many.
    I am going to really try this and see if it helps me. Thanks 🙏🏼 so much for helping others through your talent!!! 💗💗💗

    1. Carolyn Tyger
      March 15, 2018 at 12:19 PM

      Suzanne! I’m so excited for you. It’s always fun to realize we are actually better at something (like being creative) than we thought we were 🙂 And I LOVE your photography!!!


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