Who is Setting the Thermostat in Your World?


In your world, strive to be the thermostat rather than the thermometer.  The thermostat SETS the temperature and the thermometer REACTS to it.


How I LOVE this!!


Life is a journey, not a destination.  Most of us are constantly striving to improve in some way.  Yet, it’s not a strait path.  There are twists and turns, rises and descents.  There are roadblocks, slippery slopes and beautiful grassy fields.


Each day is a new experience with good and bad moments.


I believe one of the greatest skills to master, is the ability to respond rather than react.  This is no easy feat.  We usually react when we are caught off guard or pushed too far.


So how does one learn to SET the temperature (respond) rather than REACT?


Again, I believe it takes a lifetime to master this, but one can become VERY good at it.


I’ve watched a lot of interviews and a common response from the one being questioned is “that’s a great question”.  I think this is a fabulous example of responding vs. reacting.


I’m one who is always quick to answer.  I don’t pause.  Therefore I am one who is very good at reacting rather than responding.


Learning to pause is the key, in my opinion, to mastering responding (not reacting).


I think interviewees are taught to say “that’s a great question” because it gives them time to think of an appropriate and relevant response rather than blurt out what is foremost on their mind.


When we react, we are letting emotion control what’s going on.  We are not allowing time to consider other points of view or the feelings of others.  We are a little like robots.  We have an established protocol and we do not vary from it.


If he pushes my buttons, I push back.  If I feel attacked, I attack.  If I know I’m right, I tell them in no uncertain terms.


If you choose to take a “pause” and process what is going on for just a second or two, you may see things differently.  You may be able to distinguish between emotion and more logical, empathetic thinking.  This can diffuse a heated situation.  It can enlighten you to new ways of thinking and being.


So for the next 7 days, choose to take a “pausing breath” before you react to any given situation.  Maybe even every time you go to say anything, take a breath.  See how this changes your way of thinking.  See how this changes the things that actually come out of your mouth.  See how this changes your ability to SET the temperature of your life rather that REACT to the temperature others are trying to set for you.


Life is a beautiful journey.  When you take the opportunity to pause and reflect, if only for a second, amazing things will unfold for you.



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