Who are you, really?


“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”


I saw this quote on Facebook and it really spoke to me.  The theme I chose in my business for this month is self-love.  So everything I have been promoting and studying to share with my followers has been along those lines.


The challenge in my Facebook Group was the LOVE Yourself Challenge.


My online group energy clearing session topic was – I Belong.


There is so much beauty in all of this.  Why have we forgotten who we really are?


We are magnificent beings.  We were created by a Higher Power that is more amazing than our current understanding can even comprehend.  We are incredibly high vibrating beings.  We had to slow down to take on these mortal bodies, and it can feel a little uncomfortable or unfamiliar at times, but we are still these magnificent beings!  Why don’t we embrace this truth?  Why do we choose to believe the lies?  You know what lies I’m talking about… I’m not smart enough; I’m not good enough; I don’t have any friends; No one likes me; I have nothing good to offer; I don’t fit in; I don’t belong; I’m ugly; I’m a failure…..


YES!  All of those thoughts and beliefs are NOT TRUE!


So why do we embrace them?  Why do we think them?  Why do we give them life and repeat them to ourselves so often?


I have a theory on that.


We all come into this world the same way… a tiny little baby.


I’m a lucky lady in that my Facebook feed is filled with proud parents and grandparents sharing the beauty of the little ones in their lives.  I LOVE it!


And I’m here to tell you, these little ones are very wanted, very loved, and I believe they are constantly told how amazing and loved they are.


So what changes?


We do!  We have experiences that give us an emotional ding and we don’t know what to do about it.  If these things happen often enough, we create our own crazy beliefs…. I keep missing the ball so I’m no good at sports… I’m no good at sports so no one wants to play with me… No one wants to play with me so no one likes me… No one likes me so I don’t belong anywhere…


See this pattern.


Have you created anything like it in your life?


When we have these underlying beliefs, they rule our behavior.  We may treat ourselves poorly and not even realize an untrue, underlying belief is feeding the behavior.  We really believe we are not loved, not enough, whatever.


Here is the truth.


You are amazing!  You are loved!  The very fact that you were born is living proof.  You have a Higher Power that loves you, period!  There is nothing you can do that will stop your Higher Power from loving you – NOTHING.  This love is unconditional!


So it is time to let go of the lies, embrace the truth and LOVE YOURSELF!  Unconditionally!


This is the key to, well, I think pretty much everything.


To sum it up, here is a fitting quote from Legally Blonde “Exercise gives you endorphins.  Endorphins make you happy.  Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.”


Happy people just don’t do a LOT of things.


When you know who you really are, you are happy.  This happiness overflows to everyone and everything around you.  Your life reflects who you see inside.


Happy people don’t engage in pity parties, they don’t belittle or berate themselves or others.  They don’t sulk and hide.  They are out spreading sunshine and love to everyone and every living thing.


Don’t be afraid to let go of the lies and discover who you really are.  Don’t be afraid to love yourself – just as your Higher Power loves you.


Be the best version of YOU and don’t be held back by who you are not.


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