When You Find Your Truth, You Set Yourself Free


“The world we knew as children is still buried within our minds.  Our childlike self is the deepest level or our being.  It is who we really are, and what is real doesn’t go away.”  Marianne Williamson


In my practice I frequently encounter clients who are at the end of their rope.  They are ready to give up and they are searching for anything or anyone to give them hope.


I believe this is because they have forgotten who they really are.


There is a disconnect between their body and spirit and their spirit and their Higher Power.


They are no longer connected to that “childlike self” that is the deepest level of their being.


When we listen to our self-talk, (the things we say to ourselves that we would NEVER say to anyone else), a great surge of emotion accompanies any thought we have.  If those emotions are joy, happiness, peace or anything of the sort, then I say that they are probably a true beliefs you have about yourself.  On the other hand, if those thoughts bring on emotions of sadness, failure, depression, unworthiness, hopeless or anything like that… then you know it is NOT in harmony with truth.


You remember the quote from the Bible “the truth shall set you free”?  That’s how it is.  Those heavy negative emotions do NOT set you free.  They weigh you down.  They hold you captive.  The thoughts that brought those emotions on are NOT true and continuing to believe such things will hold you imprisoned in a downward spiral.


On the flip side, when you feel happy, joy, peace or anything along those lines, you feel FREE!  Expansive!  Excited!  Optimistic!  There is light and, well, freedom in your step!


That, my friends, is a sign of truth.  Those thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself will keep you spiraling upward, achieving new heights.


Children have great thoughts like this.  They aren’t berating themselves because they soiled their diaper.  They smile at their great achievement.  They are connected in all the right ways.  They are thrilled at even the tiniest success.  Everyone around them applauds their achievements and they know they are amazing – just for clapping their hands.  They love themselves.


This is where we fall short as adults.  We have forgotten who we are and how to love ourselves.


It’s time to take stock of all those thoughts running around in our heads and to dismiss the ones that invoke those feeling of sadness, unworthiness, all those “I’m not enough” feelings that send us spiraling forever downward.


Now is the time to remember who you are and fill your thoughts, your self-talk, with TRUTH.  Find those thoughts about yourself that bring you joy, happiness, hope and allow them to flourish and send you spiraling upward.


It’s time to recognize and embrace the truth about yourself and let it Set You Free!


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