What to do when you are feeling overwhelmed, all alone and like you are failing


Sometimes we reach a point of deep despair.  It can come crashing down on us all at once, but it doesn’t just happen.  It has been building.  We are having experiences, that if evaluated each on its own, would not be a problem.  But, the compounding effect of all of them together, all of the sudden, seems too much to bear.



So why do we let this happen and what are we to do about it?


These feelings of being overwhelmed, alone and failing that come crashing down as deep despair are all the result of something I call “burnout”.  Burnout occurs when we have a great focus on doing rather than being.


If you think about the last time you experienced “burnout”, you were most likely drowning in a “to do” list that there was no possible way of completing.  As a hard worker, you felt taken advantage of – at least on some level.  You were doing everything.



You likely had a lot of expectations and felt very lonely when no one acknowledged all of the things you were doing.


You became discouraged and thought to yourself “What’s the use?  Nobody notices anyway.”


Or maybe you had a need for perfection regarding details and you just weren’t measuring up.  You were not doing all that needed done in the way it needed to be done.


Whatever your specific situation was, it boiled down to the fact that you were focusing on doing rather than being.


To break free and rise above this ugliness you must first recognize the symptoms and then resolve to accept yourself as you are.



I know!  That is much easier said than done.  You are still saying in your head, “But I’m not measuring up!  How can I accept that?”


Well, what you are not taking in to account is that you and you alone made the decision that you needed to do more, and only you can change this.  You do not have anything to prove to anyone.  Not even yourself!  So just be.


You and you alone know how much you can handle.  AND you have the right to say NO when you are being given more than you can handle.  Sometimes that even means saying no to yourself – and that is OK.  It is more than OK, it is the key!


I’m not saying you should run away from everything.  There is much for all of us to accomplish in our days on this earth.  So find a way to accomplish what you need with joy and acceptance.  Let go of the rest.  Know you have all of the tools you need to get the job done.  When you tackle your modified “to do” list in this way, you are well on your way to being rather than doing.



You are no longer spending every waking moment crossing things of the list because you have an urgency or a false need to get it all done.  You are now doing things on purpose.  You are enjoying the experience.  You are getting done what needs to be done and letting the rest go.


As you do this you will radiate confidence and peace of mind that will increase your competence and overall performance.  It will also increase the quality and enjoyment of your life.  You will find you don’t become overwhelmed and discouraged like before.


A favorite affirmation of mine is “I am Enough”.  There are days when reciting this feels like a lie.  But, on those days I am wrong.  I am always enough.


When I choose to spend my time being rather than doing, I no longer feel alone or like I am failing.  I feel at peace and the words “I am Enough” ring true in my heart.



If you are experiencing the symptoms of “burnout”, take time to reflect on your doing to being ratio and take action now to no longer be a doer but to live life as one who experiences “being” on a daily basis.


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