The One Thing You May Be Missing


I recently came across a fitness guru who intrigued me. As I read some of her blogs and watched a few of her videos I learned something.


As with most fitness leaders, she touts the importance of eating healthy as first and foremost in achieving a fit and healthy body.


What struck me about her approach was that she used the phrase “nourish your body”.  She didn’t say ‘eat healthy’ or ‘watch your calorie intake’ or ‘make sure your calories count’.  She didn’t really even teach what to eat or what not to eat.  She just said something to the effect of choose foods that nourish your body.


I found myself asking “will this nourish my body?” before I decided to eat something.  When I was hungry I started asking “what does my body need?” not “what’s quick and easy/tasty to eat?”


Now, I’m not saying I always made good choices…. But I started thinking differently….


Then the other day, while I was taking a shower and pondering why I had been so grumpy and irritable all day… the thought came to me that I was not nourishing myself!


I don’t mean feeding my body nourishing foods.


I mean nourishing my soul.  (You see I believe you have a body and you have a spirit and the 2 of them together make your soul.)


I had been too busy, being busy, and not taking time to nourish my soul!


So how does one nourish their soul?  I believe by engaging in activities that raise their vibration – get them vibrating in a higher energy, a higher frequency.


I was letting the negativity of others sneak in.  I was thinking of everything I needed to do and not taking time to enjoy all the blessings around me.  I had let my daily routine of nourishing my soul slip for a few days.


I like to start my day by listening to something uplifting and thought provoking.  This is a small thing, but if I do it first thing, every day, my soul gets nourished.  My path for the day is plotted in an uplifting and productive manner.  It shields me from the negativity of others.  It raises my vibration and strengthens my inner light.


It really doesn’t take much to set me on a good course for the day, but skipping that 10-minute activity definitely leaves my soul needing nourishment.


Just like you need to eat every day, your soul needs nourishment – EVERY DAY!


If you don’t already have a routine that allows you to nourish your soul first thing every morning, I challenge you to create one!




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