The Law of Thinking

The Law of Thinking

In his book “Working with the Law,” Raymond Holliwell provides an interpretation of the Law of Thinking that emphasizes the importance of our thoughts in shaping our lives. According to Holliwell, the Law of Thinking is one of the primary universal laws that governs our reality, and understanding how it works is essential for creating a fulfilling and successful life.

Your thoughts have a powerful creative energy that shape your experiences and attract events, circumstances, and people into your life. Therefore, your thoughts must be aligned with your goals and desires if you want to manifest them in your reality. To achieve this alignment, you need to learn how to control and direct your thoughts intentionally. Yes! The magic here is the word INTENTIONALLY.

The first step in mastering the Law of Thinking is to understand the nature of your thoughts. Thoughts are energy vibrations that travel through the universe and interact with other energies, including the energies of your emotions, beliefs, and actions. You see, your thoughts are not just random ideas that pop into your mind, but rather powerful forces that influence your reality.

You must also keep in mind, that when it comes to the Law of Thinking, your progress is largely determined by your ruling mental state. The mind is the basic factor and governing power in the entire life of man. What does that mean? Well, your ruling state of mind is made up of various mental attitudes that you adopt toward things, events and life in general. These are shaped by your experiences in life and stored in your subconscious mind.

You “see” life through your subconscious mind. Because of your experience in life, when a new idea or thought is presented, you subconsciously weigh it against the outcomes your subconscious mind has stored. This can keep you stuck in repeating patterns and beliefs that just aren’t true and that are not leading you to your goals and desires.

Once you consciously realize this, you have the power to accept or reject any idea, belief or thought being placed on you by your subconscious. You get to choose which thoughts to give power to, and which ones to dismiss, you get to choose your ruling state of mind.

So how do you go about making this change? How do you consciously re-program your subconscious mind to be in harmony with the ruling state of mind that will align you with your goals and dreams?

Remember, whatever you think in your mind must grow – this is the Law of Thinking. Your mind is constantly thinking. You have the power to change your thoughts, but you cannot stop thinking. When you are in harmony with the Law of Thinking, you intentionally direct your power of thinking to constructive channels.

When your thoughts are aimless and imperfect, you create pain and confusion for yourself. Ask yourself.. Am I controlled by my thoughts? Or am I controlling my thoughts. Am I using my thoughts for gains? Or are my thoughts using me for continued loss?

Take time to manage and intentionally choose your thoughts. You must do this continually. You will not have success with the Law of Thinking if you willy nilly allow your thoughts to control your day. Think about applying order and discipline.

Holliwell likens it this way. If you think about a lion going after its prey, what does he do? Does he roar all over the place, tromping through the forest hoping he will find a delicious meal just waiting under a bush as he brushes by? Or does he instinctively sneak up upon his prey and stalk it until just the right moment and then pounce upon it and have a tasty meal?

You must stalk success or any worthwhile endeavor, goal, dream, etc. just like the lion stalks his meal. It is not just going to fall into your lap because you spent 3 minutes this morning thinking about it.

All action is the result of thought. To have better conditions in life you must first organize your thoughts. The average person thinks at random; he has no clear design in his mind to which he can frame his thoughts. If he does have a design, he does not intentionally direct his daily efforts toward it. Most of his thinking is out of his control, unorganized, and chaotic. This is why he sees disappointment and failure – they thrive on indecision!

In a nutshell, we attract only what we think or create. This is the Law of Thinking.

To harness the Law of Thinking:

  1. Intentionally create a ruling state of mind that is in harmony with your goals and desires.
  2. Question your subconscious beliefs and course correct when necessary
  3. Control and intentionally manage your thoughts unceasingly
  4. Stalk success with intention and unwavering persistence

To sum it up, your thoughts are powerful and magnetic. They attract things into your life. They are creation in embryo. You have the power to choose your thoughts. You have the power to choose your ruling mental state. You have the power to harness the blessing of the Law of Thinking.


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