The Law of Supply

The Law of Supply: Tapping into the Abundance of the Universe

Do you ever find yourself feeling like there’s not enough to go around? Like you’re constantly struggling to get what you need, and you’re always left wanting more? It’s a common experience, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, according to the Law of Supply, there is more than enough to go around for everyone.

The Law of Supply is based on the idea that the universe is filled with an essential substance for every imaginable good you can imagine. God did not intend for us to be forever satisfied, but rather to continually grow and progress. The universe is abundant, and there is no limit to the supply of good things that are available to us.

However, our ability to tap into this abundance is limited by our consciousness. We possess all the wealth we wish for, but we are only able to enjoy what our consciousness will allow. If we are stuck in a mindset of lack and limitation, we will not be able to fully experience the abundance that is available to us.

The Law of Supply states that our mental magnet, which attracts the things we desire, is greatly reduced in strength by worry and fear. When we are worried or fearful, we limit our supply. This is because our thoughts and emotions have a powerful influence on the reality we experience.

To tap into the abundance of the universe, we must remove our agreement with lack and make an agreement with our own abundant nature. We must believe that there is enough for everyone, and that our own desires can be fulfilled without taking away from anyone else.

We must also have the desire and expectation of the good in order to attract it. This means that we must be happy and grateful for what we have, but never satisfied. We must always be seeking greater good, and believing that we can achieve it.

The Law of Supply also teaches us that whenever there is a demand, the supply is going to be there. We must have an open mind and be willing to expand our consciousness in order to conceive of that which we have believed unattainable. We must also be willing to release our perception of poverty or lack, and believe that there is always a better way to do everything.

Our mental magnet can be charged with a mental energy that builds up a power of attraction. This means that we can train our minds to attract the things we desire by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, basically believing we already have it. We must also be mindful of the things that weaken our mental magnet, such as stress, fear, fretting, and worry.

In conclusion, the Law of Supply teaches us that we live in an infinite universe, and there is no limit to supply. We must tap into our own abundant nature, believe in the abundance of the universe, and have the desire and expectation of the good in order to attract it. By expanding our consciousness and focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, we can attract the things we desire and live a life of abundance.

If you feel stuck when it come to practicing the Law of Supply, check out my group energy alignment session Wealth & Prosperity. It can help you release those energetic blocks that are keeping you stuck!


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