The 2 Most Common “Progress Obstacles” to Avoid

You know me, I’m all about moving up to the next level; becoming a better me!


It is my mission to do this for myself and to guide, teach and influence others to do the same.


It is so wonderful to watch someone overcome past hurts, fears, false beliefs, whatever and start to discover who they really are and what they are capable of.


As they start to discover and grow, a new light starts to beam from deep inside.  You see it all over their countenance.  Then you see things in their life start to change.  More and more good things start to manifest for them.  It is a beautiful process.


But it is not always an easy-peasy road!  Often there is opposition out there threatening to keep them stuck and prevent them from progress.


There are 2 main things one needs to be aware of as they are working to become a better, more authentic version of themselves.


  1. The appearance of things getting worse not better

Louise Hay addresses this beautifully in her book, You Can Heal Your Life:  “Sometimes when we try to release a pattern, the whole situation seems to get worse for a while.  This is not a bad thing.  It is a sign that the situation is beginning to move.  Our affirmations are working and we need to keep going.  Examples:  We are working on increasing prosperity, and we lose our wallet.  We are working on improving our relationships, and we have a fight.  We are working on becoming healthy and we catch a cold.”

Have you ever had an experience like this?  Did you keep going?  Or did you give up and say “this just isn’t working”.

The key is to keep going.  You know the steps to take to make the changes in your life.  Trust them.  Look for signs they are working.  These things that seem like setbacks may actually be learning tools to help you get to the level you are seeking.  Don’t deny them, embrace them.  Ask “what is to be learned” and keep going!


  1. People who are close to you treat you differently – not in a good way.

As we start to make improvements in our lives, we rise to a new level.  We see things from a new perspective.  Our eyes are more open.  It’s like climbing a mountain.  The higher you go, the more you can see.  The lay of land becomes clear.  Finding your way becomes easier.

But to those who are still at the bottom of the mountain, the way is scary.  They are unsure of what is around them.  They don’t know what to expect.

People who are close to you, but not on the same journey as you, are the people at the bottom of the mountain.  Your new perspective, knowledge, confidence… scares them.  They don’t see things as you do.  They may feel left behind or jealous.  Most of the time they don’t even recognize these are the feelings they are having, they just know something is different and they don’t like it.

When this happens, they do everything they can to get you back down with them.  They criticize, complain, belittle – it’s not pretty.  It will hurt, at least on some level.

The key here is to remember where you are and where they are.  You have a choice.  You can stay on the mountain and continue to climb and reach your goal or you can go back down to where you were and lose all that knowledge, perspective, clarity, etc. that you have gained.

Knowing that there will be those who are close to you that will likely try to drag you down is important.  You can still love them and be friends with them, if you are prepared for their “attacks” and are able to fend them off and keep climbing.

Make sure you have what you need to stay on that mountain and reach your highest potential.


Now that you are aware of the 2 most common “progress obstacles” you are armed with the knowledge you need to overcome them and continue on your path to greatness.


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