The #1 Reason you are NOT Rich and how to Overcome it

I’ve seen a reoccurring theme among my Facebook friends and in general conversation lately.  Perhaps you play the same record at home.  It goes something like this:


“You want what?  What do you think I am, made of money?”  Or maybe like this…. “I really want to take my family on vacation this summer, but we just can’t afford it.”  Or perhaps like this…. “I’m so tired of not being able to make ends meet, I’m so stressed out, there is just never enough money.”


When I say “money”, how does it make you feel?  Do you get excited thinking about all you could do with it?  Or do you get a knot in your stomach?


Most of us have a poor relationship with money and it is killing our ability to have and keep more of it!  That’s right, your money mindset is the #1 reason you are not rich!


As you know, thoughts are things.  They have their own energy.  Every time you give energy to a thought of lack, you are feeding it and allowing it to grow and blossom in your life.  The more you focus on what you don’t have and don’t want, the more of those things you get!




Before you can have an abundance of money in your life, you have to change your money mindset.  If you don’t, it won’t matter how much money you make, it will never be enough for what you “need”.


So how do you go about changing such things?  How do you create a new Money Mindset?


1. NEVER say “I can’t afford that”

You have to change your vocabulary and change your thoughts.  Instead of telling your child, your spouse or even yourself you don’t have the money to purchase something, you say you are choosing to NOT spend your money on that item right now.

This causes a shift in thinking.  It no longer sends the message you are in a state of lack, but rather, that you have plenty, you are a good steward over what you have, and you are choosing how to spend and manage what you have been given.


Why does this matter?  Remember, you get what you send out.  You want abundance?  You can’t focus on lack.  It is always a choice.  You must change your vocabulary and your thoughts.


2. Make-up with Money

This might sound a little funny at first, but hear me out.  If you have had a mindset that there is never enough money, that it is hard to make and keep money, that money is the root of your problems, then you need to make-up with money.

You need to let money know it’s not him, it’s you ~ as the saying goes.  There truly is plenty of money for everyone.  Then why is it that some have so much and others have so little?  It’s the way we treat it.

Let’s compare it to friendships.  Some people have lots of friends.  They love everyone they meet and these new people instantly love them.  In a matter of seconds a new lifelong friendship is budding.  Others are selective or maybe even shy.  But when they meet someone new, it isn’t an instant friendship.  They may become acquaintances that say hello when they see each other on the street, but they won’t be going to dinner together any time soon.

What is the difference?  The first person has a friendship mindset that everyone is a friend.  They have placed great value on people in general and they want everyone to feel loved, accepted and like they have a friend.  The second person has not adopted that mindset.  It doesn’t mean they don’t care about people, but they are not of the mindset of sharing what they have with just anyone.


Your relationship with money works the same way.  If you have been treating money like the enemy, STOP.  Let money know how much you appreciate it and all it does for you.  Let it know you are sorry for how you treated it in the past and that you now recognize its beauty and abundance in your life.

You can do this by writing a letter or just speaking the words out loud.  Don’t be afraid.  Just try it.  This will shift your thinking and pave new roads for abundance in your life.


3. Create a Vision of an Abundance of Money in your Life

Everything is created energetically before it is created physically.  If you want to change your Money Mindset, you have to create new thought patterns.

Take some time and envision your life with an abundance of money.  What would it feel like?  Instead of thinking “I don’t know where we are going to get the money to fix the car.”  Think “I can’t wait to see what wonderful way the Universe will provide us with the money to fix our car.”

Do you feel the difference in those 2 statements?  The first one feels heavy, frustrating, and hopeless.  The second one feels exciting, open, and happy.  That is how you create a vision of abundance.


A fun exercise you can do to really create a great Money Mindset is the 30 day – $30,000 exercise.

To do this you start with $1,000 on day one and you get an additional $1,000 each day.  You must spend all the money for the day – and – you cannot spend it on anything you have already spent it on during the month.

So on day 1 you get $1,000 and you write down everything you would spend it on.  On day 2 you get $2,000 and you make a record of everything you choose to spend it on.  On day three you repeat the process with $3,000.  You continue this for 30 days.  On day 30 you spend $30,000.  In total, you are going to spend $465,000 in 30 days!  This is a fun way to open your mind to an abundance of money.



There you have it!  In just 3 easy steps, you can change your Money Mindset.  As you do this, you will be opening doors to allow abundance in your life.  Be mindful and watch for evidence it is working.


You may or may not become a millionaire, but as you change your Money Mindset you will definitely have sufficient for your needs and that my friends, creates a rich and rewarding existence.


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  1. September 21, 2016 at 8:42 AM

    I love this article! It is so true! Thanks for taking the time out of your life to write this to help others!

    1. Carolyn Tyger
      October 3, 2016 at 4:26 PM

      Thank you Suzanne. So glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

  2. September 29, 2016 at 2:13 PM

    I’m excited to try the money exercise you suggested! I’ve never spent $465,000 in 30 days before. Looking forward to seeing how that feels.

    1. Carolyn Tyger
      October 3, 2016 at 4:25 PM

      Thank you Debra! The money exercise it a lot of fun. Let me know how it goes 🙂


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