One Simple Energy Tip to Stop Mom Guilt Now

Mom Guilt.  It’s real.  Studies show, nearly 90% of all mothers experience mom guilt at some point and 21% feel mom guilt all the time (studies include both stay-at-home and working/career mothers). 

Spoiler alert:  Mom guilt is really a belief you are not being good enough at_(you fill in the blank)_.

Now, you may or may not know my story, but it took me almost 25 years to FINALLY become a mother.  Then the whole “mom” thing set in!  All that mom guilt!  Every time I left my children (I had twins) I felt guilty.  The thought of working and leaving my kids at day care or with a sitter made me feel guilty.  The thought of spending money on myself and not my children made me feel guilty!

And then there was the whole work thing!  I LOVE the work I do, but is it really ok for me to leave my children and spend time “working”?  What will that do to my kids?  And all I really ever wanted was to be a stay-at-home mom, but that has changed.  Now I want to be a part-time working mom.  Does that make me a bad person?


So, when I was with my kids, I was worried I wasn’t a good enough mother.  When I was working, I was worried I was some how ruining or depriving my children – would they feel abandoned or would the sitter be treating them poorly or teaching them something terrible????  And how can I really be there for my clients if I’m worried about what’s going on with my kids?

Oh, and I was sinking physically.  I did NOT take time to take care of myself.  I was tired all of the time, not exercising, barley getting dressed.  I was a mess.

Would you like to know what I have learned from all this?

Well, there is one simple thing you can do to start eliminating mom guilt.

Stop Multi-Tasking

You may think this is impossible.  I know when I worked in a busy office, I believed multi-tasking was the key to success and accomplishing everything on my list.  In fact, I believed it was the key to a smooth-running, efficient home as well.

Boy was I wrong.

Think about how everything is created.  It all starts with a thought.  Everything is created in the ether first!  When you are multi-tasking, what message are you sending to the ether?

We have the idea that when we are multi-tasking, we are doing 2, 3, 4 or more things at once.  We are so efficient.  But that is not the case.  We work just like computers – we can only do one thing at a time.

Computers run slower when you give them 30 tasks to do at once.  They spend a micro second on one task and then a micro second on another task and so on.  They do not focus on one task until completed, they keep bouncing around from one task to another, giving each task a little bit of attention at a time.  Eventually all tasks are completed, but it may take a while.

Multi-tasking actually makes you less efficient and it makes your energy more chaotic.

So what does that have to do with mom guilt?

Great question!

If you have studied the law of attraction, you know a little bit about how energy and manifesting work.  Whatever you are seeking, you first create in your mind, then you feel it, with every fiber of your being as if it has already manifested for you.  That is how you attract your desires.

Let’s say you desire to be a great mother who shows love and tenderness to your child.  So you are with your child and they are seeking your attention.  There you are, with your little one, truly desiring to connect and manifest a great, loving and tender relationship, holding them close and caressing their cheek, you are also going over the shopping list in your mind, doing a quick run-down of your projects you need to get done at the office and wondering what you are going to make for dinner.

Stop!  Do you see what is going on?  You are NOT focused on what you say matters to you.  Stop multi-tasking, refocus your energy on what you are actually doing and choosing to bring about right now – that relationship with your child.

You don’t have to do it for hours.  In fact, set a timer for 2, 3, 5 minutes.  But during that time, be present.  Let every thought be about the mother you desire to be, the connection you desire to have with your child, the outcome you desire.  Do not let your mind wander.  Live in THIS moment.  Create in your mind the outcome you desire and live it as if it already is.

Do the same thing with work.  With your time for yourself.  Stop multi-tasking, be present and practice the law of attraction.

As you perfect this skill, with your family, your career, and yourself, you will start to realize that you can be and you are good enough at _(you fill in the blank)_.

This is a great secret to change your energy and thus your actions to STOP mom guilt and live fulfilled.

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