Journaling for Stress Relief

Does the mere mention of keeping a journal give you the same thrill and excitement as undergoing a root canal?  If so, you are not alone!  Viewing it as such a daunting and painful task has probably kept you from even considering taking on such a charge.  But fear not – this article is not about keeping a journal, it is about journaling.

The What

Let’s start with a few definitions so we are all the same “page”.

Diary – A book in which one keeps a daily record of events and experiences.

Journal – A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; Much more personal than a diary; Contains feelings, emotions, problems and self-assurances and can be used to evaluate one’s life.

Journaling – A cross between scrapbooking, journal writing, collaging, and sketching that results in a tangible notebook of images and words that creatively depict ideas and events in an individual’s life.

As you can see, journaling is much more than keeping a journal or a diary.  At first glance it may seem overwhelming, but I assure you it is much easier than you think and the benefits can be life changing.

The Why

We are constantly inundated with stressors and struggles of every kind.  No sleep.  No money.  Loneliness.  Family discord.  Anger, grudges, and hurt from past experiences.  Failures.  Unfulfilled expectations.  Sadness.  We each have our own unique list.  These thoughts, feelings and emotions are low vibrating energies running around in our brains and our bodies bringing our entire energy system down.  This results in undue worry, stress, illness and even despair.  They are longing to be released.

There are many ways to get these low vibrating energies out of our beings.  There is journaling, counseling, meditation, energy work, and hypnosis to name just a few, and they all work.  So why consider journaling?

In her book Body Talk: Why you Really Get sick and Why it Need Never Happen Again, Rochelle Gordon offers this insight “Another way of keeping your inner balance is to write out your thoughts and feelings.  Many people find release and healing through keeping journals or through creative writing.”  She continues to advise “You can also use writing to clear difficult emotions with the burning method.  This involves writing out all your worst memories in order to keep them from influencing your present life.”

By simply journaling our thoughts, feeling and emotions that are bringing us down a change is put in motion.  The mere act of putting pen to paper starts the release of these low vibrating energies and allows higher vibrating energies like joy, gratitude, hope, courage, and freedom to enter in.

It is really that simple.

The How

Journaling in 3 easy steps:

1.   Get a notebook and something to write with.

2.   Dump your brain. Just start writing.  Write as fast as you can – whatever comes to your mind – without regard to spelling, punctuation, etc.  No need for sentences.  Just random words will do.  Remember, just write whatever comes to mind.  Sometimes there are not words to express feelings.  If that is the case “draw them”.  Create a picture or just “doodle” or “scratch” to express what you are feeling.  This exercise helps you clear your mind and release those low vibrating thoughts and emotions.

Do this daily.  Some days you may only have time for one word or sentence.  That is ok.  Just make it a habit to “dump” every day.

3.   Let go. Remember, just writing things down starts the release of low vibrating energies and allows higher vibrating energies to enter in.  By doing so you are creating the shift.  Embrace it.  Let journaling take away your stress and pain.  Choose to let it go.

That is it.  Do NOT go back and read what you have written.  That is not what this exercise is about.  The power of this journaling exercise is in the letting go and moving beyond.  You have released those low vibrating emotions and you don’t want to rekindle them.

After you have filled your notebook, discard it or better yet, burn it.  This is not a diary or journal to be kept for posterity.  It is your stress release journaling.  Discard it and set yourself free.

As you make stress release journaling a daily habit, you will likely find your entries becoming more uplifting and hopeful.  When that happens, you will also be able to see a positive difference in your attitude and your stress levels.

Once you have mastered stress release journaling, you might be ready for gratitude journaling!  But that is another whole article.

Happy Journaling!


Carolyn Tyger is an Energy Intuitive & SimplyHealed™ Practitioner.


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  1. Paul Ryan Smith
    May 24, 2019 at 7:23 AM

    I have kept a journal, on and off throughout my life. I find that in the dark times, I seldom write or paint for that matter. I usually review my journal entries and make new ones on my birthdays and around new years in order to take the measure of my life for that year or period in life. Some of the coolest things I have written in my journals were writing down vivid dreams that I have had, that have come true. Or sad times in remembrance of someone or of some time that has come and gone. I like reading about good friends and good things that we have done, the thoughts and feelings I had at the time and those memories. I find that I am not very good at writing in a journal these last twenty two years. Often, even if I have written quite a lot at times, I end up just ripping it up and burning it or trashing it. I have to edit my life for posterity’s sake, just like I have to try to control and guide my thoughts. Although I am not always valiant at either. But I keep trying.

    I appreciate all of your great ideas and helpful hints. Thank you for your encouragement. What a great thing to do for people!


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