How to Escape when you Feel Trapped by Current Circumstances

She woke up to face another day. Was it a blessing or a curse?

Her life had taken so many unexpected turns she was nowhere near where she thought she would be. In fact, she was living the opposite of all she had planned.

The lyrics of a song from her youth played through her mind:

“And now it’s startin’ to rain on my parade

You know there’s nothin’ like the real world to get me down
There’s nothin’ like the world outside that turns me upside down
It makes me feel like I’m headin’ down a one-way, dead-end street

There’s no way out, no way out”

That’s it, she thought. It’s true. There is no way out. I just have to keep my head up and pretend that everything is ok. You know, put on my happy face and deal with my life.

There is no way out.

Have you ever felt trapped by your circumstances? Whether the life you are living was forced upon you or you consciously made the decisions that got you where you are today, you feel like there is nothing you can do to change where you are?

So many of my clients come to me feeling trapped. They are not able to see any way out of their current “mess”. They married the “wrong person”; they took the “wrong job”; they contracted some “incurable, debilitating disease”; the abuse from their past “haunts and controls them”; and the list goes on. All of these circumstances can seem insurmountable – especially when you are in the thick of it all.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

When I was on my journey to motherhood (aka infertility trial) a friend gave me a saying to put on my wall. It said “Dwell in Possibilities”. It was beautiful and a great idea.


I was so sad and downtrodden; I couldn’t see any possibilities (at least not any good ones) let alone dwell on them!

So, how do you go from trapped, hopeless, and downtrodden to dwelling in possibilities? Because, after all, dwelling in possibilities is the FIRST STEP to escaping and making changes.

As I’m sure you know, everything is created first in the mind. Everything starts as a thought. You have to start recognizing what you are thinking.

You know… I can’t do this anymore? How am I ever going to get out of this mess? Will things ever change? Why did I _? There is no way out.

Make your list. Catch yourself. Keep track of all your “negative”/“limiting” thoughts for 24 hrs.

What does that picture look like???

It that your reality? Is that how you are existing? I say existing, because if you are feeling trapped, downtrodden and hopeless, you are not living, you are merely existing.

Now, choose one of those thoughts.

Just one. I don’t want to make this seem impossible.

After you have chosen one thought, ask yourself… But what if I could? What if things could change? What if I could get over my “mis-take” and love myself? What if there is a way?

You get the idea.

So let’s use “there is no way out” as our example. So you ask yourself. What if there was a way out that was a win – win? What would that be like?

At first you may be too far down the rabbit hole to even see a thread of hope. But don’t stop asking the questions. Asking will start the process of re-wiring your brain.

If you find you just can’t see any hope, watch outrageous movies – you know the ones that have inconceivable happy endings. That get you thinking… Wow! That was amazing! They actually did live happily ever after. Cool! Read stories of people who overcome crazy odds and find the success they were seeking. Start to see how others used the power of their thoughts to change their lives.

One of my favorite movies is A Knight’s Tale. A peasant boy “changes his stars” and becomes a knight against all odds. You probably think I’m a little crazy, but this is my go-to movie when I need inspiration to get me “out of my slump” and find hope.

Keep asking… What if there is a way out that is a win-win? Eventually, thoughts will start to come to you. You WILL start to see a silver lining. You WILL start to Dwell in Possibilities.

This is the first step to escaping. This is the first step to changing your stars.

Give it a try. And just see where it will take you.

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