How to Clear Your Energy in 5-Minutes or Less

Of course you know the importance of taking care of yourself – FIRST.  You have heard many times that when the plane is going down… you MUST put your oxygen mask on first.  It is imperative that you take care of yourself in order to have what you need to care for others.  And that is what you spend a lot of time doing, caring for other.

So why don’t you?  Why are you the last to get what you need?

Well, it’s obvious!  You are too busy saving the world!  Taking care of everyone else, there is no time to take care of you.

Believe me, I get it!  Here’s what I know:

  • You are so busy! – You are lucky to get a shower and get out the door looking half-way presentable
  • You know you “should” make more time for you, but you can’t get up a minute earlier, you are exhausted… and the rest of the day is jam packed!
  • You feel sluggish and stuck and you can’t see any other way right now
  • You are hanging in there until _______________.  Then you will have more time for you.

I’ve been there, done that!

What I’ve learned is that getting your energy “tuned up” is a HUGE boon to your self-care success!

Perhaps you have thought of doing a session with me, but you are just too busy – that is a pipe dream.

Well, I’ve got 5 tips you can do in about 5 minutes, or many of them much less, to get your energy clearing up and moving better for you.

  1. Using both hands, tap your chest with your fingertips just below your collar bone and repeat. “I am exactly where I need to be for my learning and growth”. I use this when I am feeling overwhelmed. When things aren’t going as planned. It helps get me connected to what really matters to me and to let go of all the “other stuff”. It is a calming force in the face of an emotional storm.
  2. Journal for 5 minutes about your dreams. What you truly desire things to be like. Get as specific as you can. Be detailed. This will give you an energy shift. Instead of being in the energy of “I feel so stressed, busy, overwhelmed, exhausted, tired, __” you shift into a higher energy of hope!
    I remember many years ago, my sister-in-law was a young mother with a spirited 3-year old. She had an amazing technique she used with him when he was acting up. “Take him out of his environment and shift his focus.” Every time I saw her use this technique it worked like a charm. He calmed down, he went from screaming to giggling. It was like magic.
    That is what this exercise is intended to do. Take you out of your environment where you feel overwhelmed and exhausted and transfer you to a place a hope, excitement, and joy. And yes, if you do it with real intent, it works like a charm!
  3. Do my daily energy routine! This takes a little more than 5 minutes, but it can be a game changer. It ramps up energy systems. It gets you connected and grounded. Here is a link, just in case you haven’t done it before:
    My Amazing Daily Energy Routine
  4. Figure 8’s on the floor. What does that even mean? I know! Well, tape out a figure 8 across the room. Start in the center and look at a spot on the wall at one end of the room. Keep your eyes focused on that spot and walk up one side of the 8, toward the wall. When you get to the top or end, start to circle around, keeping your eyes on the wall until you are turned and walking down the other side. Then flip your head fast like a model does at the end of a runway (or a dancer spinning in circles), and focus your eyes on a spot on the opposite wall, at the other end of the 8. Continue this process until you have traced the entire 8 four times. This will reset your throat, third eye and crown chakras!
  5. When you are having a particularly difficult moment. You know, like when someone is getting under your skin – it may even be you, it’s time to clear and re-focus. Do this by pressing your middle fingers right above the center of your eyebrows. Just press and hold and breathe deeply. Be sure to let your breath ALL THE WAY OUT! Don’t hold any in. This does amazing things – give it a try.

There you have it!  5 Great tips to get your energy shifted and get you on the path to getting your oxygen mask on first!


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