How to be Prosperous


Are you flourishing in abundance and prosperity?  Why not?  What is stopping you?


I believe there is enough in this universe for everyone to have everything they want – and more!  There is more than enough food, water, toys, clothes, homes, you name it… there is an abundant supply so why do some have so much and others seem to struggle?


Did you know that according to recent polls, 61% of the population lives paycheck to paycheck?  That’s right 61%!  And 39% of the population is afraid of losing their job!  Yikes!  Do you fall into either or both of those categories?


There is an emotional pattern that keeps people stuck in the paycheck to paycheck world.


The paycheck to paycheck fear comes from a deeper belief that money is hard to come by – you have to struggle for money.


That fear, those beliefs, feed an emotional experience of fear – a fear that you are not going to have enough.  Therefore you create an experience with money of never having enough, making just enough to survive paycheck to paycheck.


Do you see what is happening here?


Because you are feeding that emotional experience of fear, you are not able to bring in any more money – no extra, just barely enough.  So money cannot accumulate to create savings or funds for investments.  You stay stuck.


All of this stems from the deep belief that money is hard to come by; it is a struggle to get and accumulate money.  How many times have you heard your parents say that or something along those lines?  How many times have you said those same things to your kids?  Are these the things you and your friends talk about?


Ugh!  I know it made me groan too!


Here is some more good news.  That fear, that heavy energy, that overwhelm – it’s so hard, it’s so stressful, it’s such a struggle, money is so powerful, I am so weak when it comes to money – that creates the living paycheck to paycheck pattern!


If you didn’t have that belief, that fear; if you believed you could live financially abundant, that money was easy to come by, you would be flowing MORE money into your life; more than you just receive in a paycheck.  You would have more than enough.  Even unexpected sources of money would come into your life.  You would be living a life of prosperity.


So what are you going to do about it?


Here is a simple exercise to change that belief and redirect your emotional experience with money.


1. Focus on money.

Get the largest bills you have out of your wallet and hold them in your hands.  Take all of them if you like.  Then close your eyes and focus on the money.

Take note of how it makes you feel.  You likely have feelings of heaviness, worry, lack. Do you feel uncomfortable, unfriendly?  Take note of your emotional response.

When you feel like that, money CAN’T come to you.  Prosperity is out of your reach.  You are a block to money!


2. Focus on an awesome experience.

Think about a time where you had a wonderful experience – perhaps a fun vacation or an event that you attended.  Who was with you?  What did you do?  What was the best part?

Relive it right now!

How does it make you feel?  Do you feel light?  Open?  Free?  Take note of your emotional response.

Now realize that MONEY was a TOOL that helped you to have that experience.  Money served you to create that memory.

Money wants to serve you to create more amazing experiences like that one!  Focus on money being used as a tool to do just that.

Now you are suddenly a Money Magnet!  Prosperity is knocking at your door!


It really is that simple!  It takes consistency and repetition.  You can’t just do it once and be done.  But with consistent effort and conscious thought you can change those fears, those beliefs to feed the emotional experience that will bring you prosperity.


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