How Kitchen Sinks & Shoes Make You Successful

Several years ago, I was introduced to FlyLady.  As I remember it, FlyLady takes us through several baby steps to get us into a routine that leads to always having a clean house.  I’m sure there is more to it than that, but that is what I remember.


I admit my fastidious housekeeping habits are no longer FlyLady-worthy.  Yet there are 2 things I learned that I still put into practice to this day – especially when I need to have a clean house!


When I do these two things, I am somehow able to accomplish twice as much housework in an hour or two than otherwise.  It’s like magic!  So I started to think about how I could apply these magical steps in other areas of my life.  As I did this, I believe the true concept behind these actions came to life for me and I hope they will for you as well.



Let’s start with the first idea – Shine the Kitchen Sink.  I think most of us just groaned a little.  But think about it.  When the kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes, when it is dull with water spots and speckled with food particles…there is a sinking feeling that cleaning up the kitchen is too hard.  We don’t even want to clear the dining room table after dinner because the atmosphere in the kitchen is too daunting.


There isn’t a place to put anything.  How are we going to rinse the plates to put them in the dishwasher?  The sink is full!  It is just too much work.


Yet – when the sink is cleaned out and there is nothing in it, when the faucet sparkles like it did when it was brand new… there is a glimmer of hope – even if the rest of the kitchen is a disaster.  There are no obstacles to prevent us from rinsing off the dinner plates so that they can be put in the dishwasher.  At the very least we can pile all of the dirty dishes in the empty sink!


FlyLady teaches us to keep that kitchen sink shining.  She teaches us to clean it out and shine it up at least 4 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening, and bedtime)!  The basic idea, as I remember it, is to always clean up after yourself so the kitchen sink ALWAYS shines.


Great concept.  Great way to keep ourselves motivated and to have a clean kitchen.  But what does that have to do with anything else?


Here’s what came to my mind.  Each and every one of us has our own “kitchen sink”.  It is the part of our life that needs to be in order for us to feel safe, in control, creative, to feel in balance and be ready for whatever comes at us.


For one person it may actually be a clean kitchen sink!  For another it may be physical exercise.  Another might need time with a friend or family member.  Still another might need a daily meditation, spiritual practice or prayer.  If you think about it, there is something for you that is a must.  If it is in order – all is well.  If not, you are unhappy, out of sync, on edge – things just don’t go your way, they don’t flow easily.


What is your kitchen sink?  Figure it out!  Then shine it up every day!  Do it first, every day, and do what it takes to keep it shining all day long.  Make sure it is still shining before you go to bed at night.


Just like a shiny sink in your kitchen, it will be contagious to other parts of your life as well.  You will likely see your productivity and happiness in many areas of your life improve as you remember to “shine your kitchen sink.”



So what about shoes?  FlyLady teaches us to Get Dressed to the Shoes.  She even goes so far as to dictate the kind of shoes – shoes that lace-up.  This is something she insists we do every morning, first thing in the morning.  She insists we go all the way – hair, makeup, etc clear down to our lace-up shoes.


Why?  Her idea behind it, again as I recall, is to be ready for the day.  You never know what may come up, even if your plan is to stay home all day.  Someone might come by.  There might be an unexpected event you want to attend.  Maybe there will be an emergency.  But, if you are dressed and ready for the day you will handle it all with ease.  In addition, you are ready to go to work cleaning your house.


Now many adults get up and go to work outside of the home most days, so this may not appear to be an issue for them.  There is however, a growing trend for people work from home.  There are also parents who stay home and care for their children and do not go out into the workplace regularly.  Baby-boomers are retiring all over the place.  And what about weekends and days off from work?  All of these people could stay in their PJ’s all day if they wanted to.  What about you?  Do you get up and get “dressed up” every day?


Here is what I know about getting “dressed up” for the day.  Our attire has a very direct effect on our attitude and our demeanor.  How does it feel when you put on a tux or evening gown and fancy shoes?  Do you stand a little taller?  Act a little more sophisticated?  Feel more professional?  Does it improve your vocabulary?  Do you have better manners?  In contrast, how do you feel in your ratty old t-shirt, sweatpants and slippers?  Do you tend to slouch a little more?  Not worry so much about what comes out of your mouth?  Eat everything in sight?


Now back to FlyLady training and getting dressed to the lace-up shoes.  She advocates getting dressed as soon as our feet hit the floor – that includes fixing our faces and hair and donning our lace-up shoes.  Why lace-up shoes?  Well, frankly because they are harder to take off so we are more likely to keep them on and keep ourselves motivated and ready.


I have a little bit of a different take on the lace-up shoe.  I’m a little bit finicky when it comes to shoes and how they fit and feel.  Don’t get me wrong, I do love the cute, crazy uncomfortable shoes, and I have some, but I’m more likely to buy shoes that fit a little better and are more comfortable for daily wearing, and a perfectly fitting athletic shoe is no different.


When I slide on my athletic shoes and they caress my arches and cushion my heels, when my toes have plenty of room to move around and breath and don’t pound into the end of the shoe,  when I pull those laces snugly and I feel that little bit of security and stability around my foot… I am in a momentary foot heaven!  I feel energized!  I feel excited!  I feel like I can run (at least for a minute)!  I feel supported!  I feel motivated!  You may be thinking I’m a little crazy, but that is how it makes me feel.


That feeling is what comes to mind when I hear get “dressed to the shoes”.  It is a feeling of empowerment and confidence.  That is what I think we can incorporate into our lives.


Unlike the kitchen sink concept that is very personal, the “dressed to the shoes” idea is a little more universal.


Here we go, get up in the morning and get dressed to the shoes – just like FlyLady teaches.  Put on clean clothes, brush your teeth, take a shower.  Ladies, do your hair and makeup.  Gentlemen, do your hair, comb your beard.  I say take it up a notch from where you have been.  If you get up and get dressed every day already, put on a little nicer outfit.  Dab on some of your favorite cologne or perfume.  If you are a “stay in your PJ’s” kind of person, put on “real clothes” as if you were meeting dear friends for dinner.  Make sure you feel REALLY GOOD about the way you look.  Make sure you put effort into to it.  Notice the difference in how you feel when you do.  Do you feel more confident?  More productive?  More motivated?  Do you feel empowered?  Are you lookin’ good and feelin’ good?


I know the way you dress directly affects your attitude, your confidence.  Take this to heart.  It can change your life.



I am reminded of the story of man who wanted to buy a fur-lined overcoat.  He and his wife went all over town to find the right one – the one that didn’t look cheap.  He finally found one for $500.  This was way back in the early 1920’s, almost 100 years ago, and he only had $700 to his name.  His wife thought he was crazy to spend all of their money on one coat, but he insisted that if he got the coat, he would make a ton of money.  She consented and he bought the coat.


About a month later, the man received a $10,000 commission!  “The coat made him feel so rich, it linked him with success and prosperity; without the coat, he would not have received the commission.  It was an investment paying in large dividends!”  (The Game of Life and How to Play It)


That is the kind of empowerment I believe we can all achieve when we choose to “dress to the shoes” rather than just get dressed.  It will alter our behavior and change our future.


Take time each day to “shine your kitchen sink” and always “dress to the shoes”.  Then sit back and enjoy the wonderful changes that will be taking place in your life.

Get yourself

Clear. Connected. Confident.

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  1. Dianatha Harvey Barnhart
    March 13, 2019 at 10:03 AM

    Wow, Thank You for this reminder!

  2. Paul
    March 25, 2019 at 6:43 PM

    That was a great article Carolyn! Thanks for sharing it! Wonderful ideas!


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