Do You See the Moon or the Dark Sky?

When our twins were about 20 months old, my husband took our son out to show him the night sky.  He pointed out the moon and it made quite an impression on our young boy.  Our little one began looking for the moon every time he was outside.  And… he usually found it!  Even during the day time.  Then his sister joined him and the 2 of them still see the moon everywhere.


They see pictures of the moon in their story books.  They notice it when it is in a movie they are watching.  They even see it in artwork or photographs hanging on walls.


I admit, I had become so “gown-up” I had almost forgotten the moon was even visible during the day, let alone had the idea to look up and notice it.  But now I see it everywhere.


And that it how it is with everything in life, you find what you are looking for, or do you?


Wait a minute, you say.  I’ve been looking for a romantic relationship, or a better job or a bigger home or…


I’m here to question that.  I truly believe you find what you are looking for.


You see, you might be looking for a bigger home for your family but you have a long list of “buts” and those “buts” are what you are actually looking for – and “seeing”.


It would go something like this.  We need a bigger home, we are just bursting at the seams.  I have been looking and looking but there just isn’t anything out there that we can afford.  Or… there are plenty of homes out there but not in a neighborhood I would live in.  Or…It is just too much work to move I don’t see how we could ever get a different house, we are just going to have to make due.


In this example we are “seeing” exactly what we are looking for…. 1. Not enough money to own a bigger home, an inadequate bank balance.  2.  A plethora of homes in undesirable neighborhoods, or perhaps an entire town of undesirable neighborhoods.  3. A mountain of overwhelm and inadequacy in our own ability to move forward – the idea it is just too hard.


If you desire to find great things in your future, be mindful of what you are truly “looking” for and make sure you are looking for moons and not just dark skies.


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