Do You Get The Answers You Need?



A favorite book of mine is ‘The Game of Life and How to Play it” by Florence Scovel Shinn.  While the book is small, and less than 100 pages, it is packed with so much wisdom and guidance.  In my opinion, Florence was a true pioneer in the field of energy work.


Anyway, I recently pulled it out to look something up for a client I was working with and these words jumped off the page:


“I have often been asked just how to make a demonstration.

I reply: ‘Speak the word and then do not do anything until you get a definite lead.’  Demand the lead, saying, ‘Infinite Spirit, reveal to me the way, let me know if there is anything for me to do.’

The answer will come through intuition (or a hunch); a chance remark from someone, or a passage in a book, etc., etc.”


She also adds that when desiring for answers or guidance, “man must make the first move”.


I have always believed this.  You have to ask and then expect you will receive the answer.


So often I hear my clients say (and I do it myself), “I just don’t know what to do”, “I don’t even know where to start”, “I just feel lost, hopeless, unhappy, etc. and I can’t get past it”, or something along those lines.


So often we are too vague in our asking.  I believe it kind of boils down to asking the right question and then expecting the answer.


When you are seeking to strengthen your third eye, your 6th chakra and reap the rewards and insight your intuition can provide, asking the right questions is an essential step.


So many of us reach out to our Higher Power and ask “What should I do?”  “How do I overcome this?”  or something big and bulky like that.  We don’t take the time to study it out in our mind and draw our own conclusion from our thoughts and experiences.  We don’t even know what we want.


It’s like opening a book and asking the book to reveal to us the entire story without having to read it.  It’s not going to happen.


Think about teaching a child how to pronounce a large word.  You would likely break it out into syllables, have them repeat each syllable after you, and then say it all together.  “in” –“too” – “whi” – “shun”…intuition.


That is how your intuition works, your guidance from your Higher Power.  You receive little pieces, you then put it all together for the “big picture”.


So ask for a piece and follow the guidance of Florence by demanding a lead.


Pour your heart out, explain your plight to your Higher Power – I’m lost, I feel all alone, I feel like I don’t know what to do, I don’t’ know where to turn for help…whatever you are feeling… and then ask/demand… “Infinite Spirit, open the way for my immediate ability to see hope and feel peace.  Give me a definite lead, let me know if there is anything for me to do.”


Did you notice how we focused on what we wanted, not what was wrong?  I feel lost and alone, so what I am really seeking is hope and peace!  So then I ask my Higher Power to open a way for me to have these positive feelings in my life.


Remember that your intuition is spiritual.  It does not explain, it simply points the way.  Be open to the thoughts, hunches, nudges, etc. that come your way.  They may not seem relevant, but follow them anyway!  That is how you exercise your intuition – by taking action on those promptings.


Don’t be afraid to give this new way of reaching out to your Higher Power for guidance.  You see we are all born with intuition!  It is a gift we all have.  You may think you are not intuitive – but really you just haven’t learned how to access your intuition, it is there waiting for you.  Open up and embrace it!





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