
I would do it, but I lack the confidence.  I just don’t think I’m good enough. What if I fail?  What will people think? 

How often do these thoughts run through your mind?

Your self-confidence can make or break a moment for you.  If left unchecked, it can steal your life away from you.

I remember trying out for the Jr. High play.  I was nervous.  I still can’t believe I had the confidence to do it.  I was such a shy little girl.  I didn’t get a part in the play.  I was assigned to help with props or something like that.  (I think everyone had to get a “job” of some kind).  But hey, my friend didn’t get a part either, so we did the props together and had a wonderful time.

What if I had told myself how bad it was that I didn’t get a part. How I was such a failure. How I never should have tried out in the first place?  Would I have had the courage to try out for the dance team in high school? Or the choir? (No, I didn’t make choir either).

You come to this earth with a great inner confidence.  As you journey through your days, you have numerous experiences where this is challenged.  When an expected outcome is not met, the put downs of others or that you create yourself “ding” your confidence.

You then create stories in your subconscious mind.  These stories replay over and over on a subconscious level and your mind goes to work to ensure you have experiences that keep them true!


What can you do about that?  How do you strengthen your confidence when you have a lifetime of experiences to weaken your worth???

Start by strengthening your 6th Chakra, your Third Eye or Brow Chakra.  While this may sound a little silly, your 6th Chakra is where you truly connect with your inner worth and embrace the truth about who you really are.  When your Third Eye is balanced you see the big picture, you don’t get weighed down by the stories in your head.

Here are 9 tips you can use to balance your Third Eye (as I like to call it):

  1. Turn off all electronics, white noise and interference
  2. Be quite and listen to silence
  3. Meditate and pray (listen) regularly
  4. Eat foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids (healthy-for-the-brain foods)
  5. Eat blue-ish fruits and veggies
  6. Absorb the color indigo: wear it and look at it
  7. Close your eyes and focus on someone or something, and then allow your third eye to bring pictures or images to your mind
  8. Practice non-verbal communication with flowers and “see” what they have to say
  9. Harmonize with the musical note A and say Eeee like the I in the word machine

By practicing these 9 tips, you can strengthen and balance your Third Eye.  This will in turn strengthen and buoy up your self-confidence and empower you to live BOLD!

If you have any questions about balancing your Third Eye or Living Bold, please email me at


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