Are you in the Flow of the Law?


We are all familiar with the laws of the land.  You break the speed limit, you are breaking a law.  You don’t pay your property taxes, you are breaking a law.  You take something from a store without paying for it, you are breaking a law.


For every law you break, there are consequences.  You speed, you pay a fine.  You don’t pay your taxes, you may lose your home or go to jail or both.  You steel, you may go to jail or even worse.


Did you know there are also Universal or Spiritual Laws?  Not only are there Universal Laws, but they are a plenty.  I have found there to be anywhere from about 9 to 25 or so depending on who you choose to follow.  But however you choose to chop them up, the laws are there and they are the same.


The fun part about Universal Laws is that we live them – weather we know they exist or not.  Take the Law of Attraction for example (you have probably heard of this one).  It is ALWAYS working.  In simple terms, the Law of Attraction states that you attract what you give energy to – you attract what you expect to happen.  AND you can choose what to attract (although many do not consciously do this).


The Law I am going to delve into today is the Law of Giving and Receiving.  This is a beautiful Law that blesses the lives of so many.  You see the Law states that the more you give, the more you receive.  In fact, when one becomes in harmony with this law, there will be a good made available to them that is so big, no matter how big a container they bring, they will not be able to contain it.


Just think about it this way… He who gives much receives much.


So what does it mean to be in “the flow of the Law”?  Good question!  You see each Law has it’s own flow.  It has a yin and yang kind of attraction.


In the Law of Attraction you must give energy to something, you must expect it and then it will come to fruition for you.  You bring about what you think about.  You don’t get things you aren’t attracting to you.


With the Law of Giving and Receiving you start by giving and giving without restraint.  And by that I mean giving from your heart, not a sense of duty.  Once you have mastered the joy of giving, you then get to receive!  And with abundance!  But you must give first.  The Law is very straight forward in that you give first and then you receive.


One of the wonderful benefits of this Law is the blessings you receive from giving.  How many times have heard stories about people whose lives were changed forever once they learned to truly give?


I recently watched a movie about a husband and wife who were on the brink of divorce.  Their relationship was a disaster!  The husband was challenged by his father to give of himself to his wife.


At first he was doing it as a duty.  It was not making any difference.  But slowly he started to give from his heart.  He truly started to have a “love” for her as a divine being (probably one he had never had).  She was still not receptive.  She shunned him at every attempt.  But he didn’t stop.


By the end of the time his father had asked him to “stick it out”, the man didn’t want to leave.  He desired to be with his wife.  She still wasn’t receptive.  She had served him with divorce papers.  He didn’t let that stop him.  He kept giving of himself to her.


He had learned to see a new side of himself.  He had a new perspective.  Things that he had thought were important before, no longer served him.  He had graduated to a higher self and he liked it!


This man continued to give of himself, to his wife until she had a change of heart and saw him for who he truly was and how he loved her as a divine being.


As with many movies, this one had a beautiful ending.  This man gave and gave from his heart and then he received a love and relationship with his wife that was greater than he could have imagined ~ The Law of Giving and Receiving at its finest.


With Thanksgiving on the horizon many of us have our thoughts turned to that of giving.  As you move through this month, recognize the Law of Giving and Receiving as it is working in your life.  Give from your heart and open yourself up and expect to receive great things, then give some more.


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