A FRESH START is What You Need


You have heard the expression “I just need a fresh start”.  But what does that mean?


Well, we all have baggage we choose to carry around with us and it can really weigh us down.  It can be physical, emotional, real or perceived.  Whatever the source of this baggage, it is heavy and cumbersome and it hinders us from getting where we want to go and who we want to be.


You have seen the scenes in movies where a tardy traveler is running through the airport, dragging 6 suitcases behind them.  Then all of the sudden one of the bags pops open and the contents go flying through the air and land all over the place.  The other travelers stop and stare and point and shake their heads.  The tardy traveler then makes a choice – They either decide the contents of that bag are much too dear to them to leave behind so they frantically try to gather them up and subsequently miss their flight.  OR  They decide that bag, in fact all of the bags, are not worth worrying about and they leave them behind and miraculously they make their intended flight.


The traveler that left the baggage behind decided to make a FRESH START.  He took an opportunity to start over without prejudice.  That is the definition of a fresh start.


When that frantic traveler decided to “let go” of all that baggage, to leave it behind, his burden was lightened and he was then free to proceed unencumbered, thus making his journey to his intended gate quick and easy.  He would then arrive at his destination with only the clothes on his back, ready to start over!



What baggage are you holding on to that is keeping you from making your intended gate?  You know what it is.  Why are you afraid to “let it go”, to “leave it behind”?


Grab a pen and paper and start writing down all the things that you are hanging on to.  Then ask yourself “why?”  “Why won’t I put this behind me?”  Then write down all the things you could be, do, accomplish, if you were not carrying this “baggage” with you everywhere you go.  This is a powerful exercise that can produce amazing changes in your life, if you let it.



Now it is time to commit to “take the opportunity to start over without prejudice!”  Make your own FRESH START!  There are opportunities to start over all around you, New Years, New Months, New Weeks, New Days, New Hours.  You get the idea.  Seize the opportunity of your choice!  Make it yours.  Leave that bag in the airport and catch your flight to your happy destination!


If you are interested in making a “Fresh Start” join me for my “February Fresh Start” Adventure.  It starts on February 1, 2017 and it is FREE!  But you must register to join.




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