3 Things You can do to Conquer the Covid-19 Chaos

I prefer to share and teach over live video, yet here I am writing in my blog. Why you ask?  Because I have been stricken with a terrible cold that causes me to cough like crazy when I talk!  So I am taking to the pen to share some important information with you.

Let me backtrack a little.  At the end of February 2020 we embarked on a 15-day trip with my husband’s family.  It was a super fun vacation we had been planning for many, many months.  As we left the cold winter of Idaho to head to the warm weather of Florida, the Covid-19 Virus was just starting to cause concern in our country.

By the time we returned home from our cruise and time in Florida, the shelves in the stores were empty.  It was crazy!  Thankfully we stay pretty well stocked at our house.

Anyway, at the end of our trip, my husband, our 2 kids and my father-in-law were all sick. Ugh!  Yet I was healthy and was determined to stay that way!

My children got well rather quickly, but my husband was still stricken with a terrible cold (was it Covid-19???).  He kept his distance from the rest of us and life went on.  Then on day 5 of being home, I came down with the dis-ease he had!  UGH again!

So what does all of this have to do with you?  Ahhhh I’m getting to that.

You see, the day before I “got sick” I had an experience that hurt my feelings.  I remember the moment vividly.  I was in a store trying to scavenger some toilet paper for my in-laws (I was successful by the way), when I got some crushing news.  I felt my energy drop – a lot!  I didn’t process it well.  I let it linger and take me down a little self-pity rabbit hole.  I lowered my vibe and the next day I woke up quite sick.

Coincidence?  I think not.  I know better.

You see, in order for a dis-ease to “get you” you have to be on the same vibe.  Dis-eases dwell in the lower vibrations, higher vibrations repel lower vibrations.  I attracted the dis-ease by going down that self-pity rabbit hole!

So the first thing you can do to stay well and conquer all the chaos in the world right now, is to keep your vibe high!  Don’t let yourself fall into self-pity.  Keep looking for the good.  It is there.  It is easy to see if you look.  Focus on love, charity, gratitude.  Keep your vibration high and repel all the lower vibrations.

Now, even with my hacking cough and being confined to my house with my husband and kids, I’m not afraid.  I have been blessed with a great peace amidst all this chaos.  But as I listen to the news, see posts on social media, etc. I see there is a lot of fear out there.

Remember, what you think about you bring about.  It’s the Law of Attraction.  It’s that simple.  If you are filled with worry and fear, you will attract the very things you are thinking about.  Are you worried you will run out of toilet paper?  Yes?  Then you probably will.  If you look at your 3 rolls and say I have enough and even some to spare and believe it….. then it is likely you will have more than enough. 

This is the second thing you can do.  Change what you are attracting.  Turn your fear into faith.  Rewire those neuropathways.  You have the power!  The Law of Attraction is always working, put it to work for you, not against you!

With directives to stay away from groups of more than 10 people, schools closing, and being encouraged to self-quarantine for a while, the thought of disrupted routine and income can be daunting.  I get it.  But the key here is perspective.  This is temporary.  This is just a little bump.  I know many moms are freaking out about having to home-school for several weeks, families are going to be together 24/7!  There are no play dates or shopping excursions or going to the movies.  Life as we know it is being severely disrupted.  Then there is the whole financial burden.  Many are not earning a paycheck during this world-wide shut down.

So how do we deal with this?  The third thing you can do to conquer the chaos is look ahead with confidence.  I know we need to live in the moment, and I’m not suggesting you live in the future, but plan for it.  This will pass (hopefully quickly).  When it does, we will all go back to work.  Kids will go back to school.  The economy will start to recover.  Use this down-time to change your mindset and live abundantly.  It will pay you dividends.  Remind yourself every minute, there is good in this and my future is bright!  You are the compass! 


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  1. Laura
    March 19, 2020 at 11:00 PM

    Carolyn, I love your post here. Dad was amazed I was still healthy and I responded that maybe working in the population I do helps strengthen my immune system, but possibly, more likely is that I am facing this all with no fear, finding the humor and good in people and therefore following these principles you speak of. Wonderful advice and I intend to share with Maddy if its possible, she needs it, given her strong hatred she expressed towards all the hoarders as we shopped one day. Thanks for sharing this message. Love you

  2. Tammy Maughan
    March 21, 2020 at 6:36 PM

    This was wonderful Carolyn. I agree whole heartedly.
    I hope you recover quickly and completely.
    Love you


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