3 Simple Tips for Success at Home

So here you are in uncharted territory, you chose to send your kids to school and now here you are homeschooling with no training or even a desire to do it!  Or you love going to the office and now you are in your bedroom on your laptop isolated from your co-workers wondering how to stay productive. 

Whatever the case, if you are traversing the waters of how to be successful at home these days, this is for you!

Here are 3 Tips for At Home Success!

1. Get up and get dressed for the occasion.

Just because you are working from home or having school at home doesn’t mean it is slacker time.  It’s not pajama time all day just because you can.  By getting up and getting dressed for work or school you set the tone for your day.  You tell your brain what you are doing and it responds appropriately.

I remember several years ago when I first started working from home and my kids were very small, I still got dressed to the nines to go to work in my unfinished basement where no one saw me.  My nanny thought I was a little crazy, she even asked me about it.  I don’t remember exactly what I told her, but the idea was I dress for success.  When I put on my “work clothes” I feel different, I feel inspired, successful, I feel empowered.  I get more done in less time.  It is amazing.

Several years later she sent me a note telling me how that had changed her for the better.  She was now working from home and she had been putting on her “work clothes” each day and what a difference it had made in her businesses!

There you go! Proof that it works!  Get dressed for school or work just like you would if you were leaving the house.  As the Fly Lady says “get dressed to the shoes”.

2. Make and keep a schedule and/or routine

First of all let me share with you the difference between schedule and routine as I see it.

In my way of thinking, a schedule is very time attentive.  We get up at 7am and get dressed, eat breakfast at 8:15, we start work at 9:00, etc.  In contrast a routine is a bit more fluid.  I get up, exercise, get dressed, eat breakfast, then go to work.  With a routine the time I get up doesn’t really matter, the time I eat doesn’t really matter, I just go from task a to b to c.

In being successful from home I believe you need a combination of schedule and routine working in harmony. 

Set up a morning routine (you probably already have one) and then set a schedule for the time school or work is to begin.  Then create a routine you follow at work or school.

For example, you get up whenever you want, then you follow your routine of getting dressed, breakfast, whatever, but at 9am you must be ready for work/school.  Then from 9-12 you work or go to school just like you did away from home.  Use that time efficiently and wisely with a routine for the things you intend to accomplish.  You may even want to implement time blocking.

The practice of using schedules and routines will relieve so much stress!  Set a schedule for work hours, or school hours and stick to it, just as if you were at school or work. 

During those times, don’t let yourself get distracted by stuff around you – dishes, housework, crafts, etc. Lock yourself into those times to disconnect from home and be at school or work.

3. Amazing Daily Energy Routine

Keeping your focus and having the energy you need to thrive each day is simple with this routine.  It gets your brain connected so you can think and learn more easily. It gets your body in sync.  It clears up your energy and sets the stage for success.

This is a video I made a few years ago.  You can do this every day!  Do it at the beginning of your school or work session.  Do it when you start to feel groggy or your mind starts to wander.  It makes such a difference.  Kids love it too!

Here is the link:   https://youtu.be/zsGRcVBC3zw

There you have it!

3 Simple Tips for Success at Home!


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