3 Manifestation Tips YOU Need To Remember EVERY Day

There is a lot of buzz going around about visualizing and creating your dreams.  And it is true, what you think about comes about.  But let’s take a closer look at what is involved.


You see we are all creative beings with great potential.  Yet most of us don’t think of ourselves as creative.  Why is that?  Well, it might be the very definition of creative that makes us uneasy.  The root of creative is create.  And to create means to bring (something) into existence.  Kind of makes you think you need to make something out of nothing!  That can be a little daunting.

That is why I like to refer to “manifesting” our dreams rather than “creating” them.  Manifesting is the action or fact of showing something.  To me, that means that what we are seeking already exists!  We are just bringing it to fruition in our lives.


Isn’t that exciting!  What you want in your life is already yours ~ you just have to get aligned so it can manifest for you.


So what are the 3 tips you need to know about manifesting?


  1. You are already manifesting every day


You are already manifesting – every day, in every way!  You may not be manifesting your dreams, but everything you have and that you are – good or bad, YOU are manifesting.


Sometimes it can be difficult to accept this responsibility, but it is true.  Remember what you think about, comes about.  What you focus your energy on, comes to fruition.  “It” already exists, you are just bringing “it” to yourself.


If you are focusing on anger and hatred, you will manifest more anger and hatred in your life.  If you are focusing on abundance and love, you will manifest more abundance and love.  They all already exist – anger, hatred, love, abundance, what you choose to set your thoughts on is what you manifest.

  1. The world is influencing what you are manifesting


Along the theme from above, what you think about is what manifests, consider all of the things that are subconsciously infiltrating your thoughts.  What are they?


We are inundated with advertizing, news stories, TV shows, social media, etc. all of which are NOT what we really want.  There is a constant stream of negativity and depressing ideas funneling into your subconscious thoughts.  How do you combat that?


You start by learning to recognize all of this garbage exists and then you begin to see it consciously for what it is – a bunch of lies about yourself and who you are and what you really want.


Then you replace the lies with truth.  You surround yourself with visual images of what you truly dream about.  You throw out the garbage and replace it with your own valuables.


Surround your thoughts with what YOU want to manifest and focus on it daily.


  1. Follow the manifesting nudges


Now that you know YOU are in control of what you manifest and that you do NOT have to create it, it already exists; and YOU have decided what you ACTUALLY want to manifest and you are filling your conscious and subconscious minds with all of those wonderful things; you are ready for the final step – follow the nudges.


Remember, you don’t have to create these things – THEY ALREADY EXIST FOR YOU!  You just have to get aligned with them so they can manifest for you.  So, watch for the nudges that will come your way to show you how to get aligned.


If you want a better/different job, you may have to quit the one you have to be ready for your dream job.  If you want a fancy car, you may have to show faith by saving some money.  Whatever it be, the “ideas” will come to you as you fill your mind with the things you desire to manifest.  You don’t have to “create” the road to your success, it is already there.  It already exists.  You just have to follow it and the nudges you receive are the map that will guide you.

Now that you have the 3 tips to get you manifesting what you truly desire, what are you going to do?  That’s right!  You are going to incorporate them into your everyday life.


Want a little help along the way?  Join my Fabulous Fresh Start.  This will jump start you ability to manifest the things you truly desire with tips, tools and coaching ~ absolutely FREE!  You can join by clicking the button at the end of this article.


But whatever you choose to do, remember, you are already manifesting every day, so make sure you are guiding it the way YOU want it to go!


Happy Manifesting!


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